Wednesday, February 13, 2008


"You sure have a strange life."

Deeter Zor stared at Timbella. "Why, because I was raised as the second prince of Shringston, or because I travel the galaxy via portals created by gemstones?"

"Well, I was thinking of the former, actually. The traveling thing sounds super. I wish I could come with you."

Deeter hesitated. "I'm supposed to say that couldn't happen, but honestly it would make things much easier. Especially if we annoyed the Professor too much for us to use him."

"I don't think we did, but... are you serious?"

"Well, if I had a legitimate companion who could use her local identification and such, while I paid for things, we could do quite a bit better, than I could on my own."

Timbella was quiet for a few minutes. "Let's talk to the Professor one more time, he's coming over tomorrow, but just so we can use him to get contacts. I'm thinking we can rent a car and then use fake names at hotels and stuff. And if these Watchers come after you, we can make them sorry. Even if they just look human, they can probably be killed just the same."

"That's not exactly what I wanted to do..."

"Oh, sorry, I thought you were serious about not wanting to take the responsibility of the throne."

"I am serious." He bit his lip. "Ever since I was a child I had nightmares about .. that. My brother dying. I didn't just leave for - I can't... You don't understand... My whole life I was - I never was very happy, you see... But I could always say, It could be worse, I could be the crown prince... My father is still alive, I wouldn't be king for a while, that isn't it at all."

She put her arms around him. "Deeter, you're babbling. Shut up." Her hands felt hot against his shirt. He felt faint.

"I'm sorry. I just, I just wanted you to see, I know I didn't do anything admirable or honorable, I know I'm a coward, but I do know it, I know what terrifies me, and -"

He stopped talking because her lips were on his. "Shut. Up."

He tried to get into the kiss. It was difficult, his body was still reacting to that thought. "I'm sorry," he said again.

"It's ok. I was just trying to explain that killing a Watcher might be the only way to avoid that shit."

He shook his head. "I think that would just make it worse. There's clearly disagreement among them about me, but killing one would solidify their resolve. Perhaps they wouldn't even try to retrieve me, but simply would kill me in return and call it self-defense."